Monday, August 22, 2011

Bro. Eli Soriano: Man of God

Nowadays, many are claiming this title: Man of God or Messenger of God, others have already claim the highest one, the Son of God.  Whatever title they wanted to call themselves, only one is true and Biblical, that the man of God holds the word of God, teaching it and keeping it. And those who heard his teaching, believe and embrace the word, walk with it until the end.

I met Bro. Eli Soriano in a television program sometime in year 2000.  He hosted the top-religious program 'Ang Dating Daan", since then I keep on watching the program.  I found him "troublesome" at first, for he shouted during his explanation, he even exclaimed the word "gago, tarantado, puta" that give me a feeling of annoyance. Slowly I realized that what he is saying are all true and with basis, the BIBLE.  From then on, I'd been a fan of Bro. Eli, although I am still in connection with Catholic Church. I learned many things from listening to him, from religious to science, philosophy and history, Bro. Eli's program is very informative.  No wonder it was chosen as the Most Informative Religious Program in Gawad America Award last November 2006.

If Erni Baron is called as the walking-encyclopedia in his time, Bro. Eli is the walking-Bible in our time.  He knows everything about the Bible, that no one can. To prove that, the segment "Itanong Mo kay Soriano: Biblia ang Sasagot, wherein  audiences can ask him outright and be replied at once.  From all kind of questions about the Bible and religion and things that connected to it, Bro. Eli answered intelligently and sensibly.  Even out of this world questions, he answered patiently and wittingly.

Now, I included myself into the fold of Members of Church of God International, presided by Bro. Eli. The things I've learned in watching him in television is just a introduction of a more and beautiful things about God, followers of God, real and true life with God and Jesus Christ and the Christian community.  In this fold, I understand the meaning of life and how to live as real Christian. I remember one quote of Muhammad Ghandi,  "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.", by listening to Bro. Eli, I understand the reasons why Ghandi said that, simply because many had claimed and still claiming that they are Christians but do not follow Christ.   Example of this as what Bro. Eli taught to congregation, is the creation and bowing to images/idols that for God is abomination.  Another teaching of Christ that as-if-Christian did not follow is "(Mat 5:44)  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; because to them an enemy of faith shall be liquidated and be persecuted up to death.

Thousand of miles of difference from other preachers, Bro. Eli, despite of persecution and all lies manufactured by enemies, he still remain faithful to his advocacy, to spread the gospel to the world, to give hope to hopeless people, to open the eyes of the blind, not only in his land Philippines but also to all countries that God will permit.

More on Bro. Eli on

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